Figurspel/Spartan Games/Uncharted Seas/The Ralgard
The Ralgard are an elite warrior caste that hail from the Island Province of Tragorria, a luscious jungle land that harbours untold dangers, and is feared by all races that inhabit the lands around it. Legends of the brutal and savage nature of these warriors are widely known throughout their homeland.
Being able to strike into the heart of an enemy is paramount to commanders of The Ralgard. Waterborne vessels are a key element of this fleet, but the use of balloons is central to the core creation of any fleet. The Dralnak Balloonship is a silent killer, able to move to engage an enemy, falling from the clouds, its weapons handing out a hail of death. But the true aerial machine of death is the Jarak War Balloon, which sits above the battlefield, its four arcs of fire striking out against any enemy model.