Artikelnummer: GE023
119 kr (139 kr)
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Tyvärr går det inte att beställa Panzer 38(t) E / F (Uparmoured) (x2) (Early) längre.
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includes two Panzer 38(t) E / F & two Tank Commanders.
The rapid expansion of the German panzer forces for the invasion of the Soviet Union has seen a number of panzer divisions equipped with Czech built tanks. These are still being produced by the Czech factories under German management.
After the experiences of the Polish campaign, an increase in armour protect was demanded. From November 1940, the frontal armour was increased to 50mm by riveting two 25mm thick plates together and attaching it to all front surfaces of the vehicle. The turret side armour and the armour of the sides of the fighting compartment were also increased. är en webbutik med figurspel som t.ex. Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Lord of the Rings, Warmachine, Hordes, etc.