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Tyvärr går det inte att beställa Mercenaries Harlan Phineas Versh, Illuminated One längre.
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Trained to hunt witches and worse, the wizards of the Order of Illumination, known simply as the Illuminated, serve to protect western Immoren from the threat of witchcraft. As one might expect of any group with such an aggressive mission, the Order of Illumination counts numerous powers among its enemies - chiefly the insidious Infernals. Their consummate foe, Illuminated One Harlan Phineas Versh prepares to banish their darkness with a blast of his blessed quad-iron.
Figurspel.se är en webbutik med figurspel som t.ex. Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Lord of the Rings, Warmachine, Hordes, etc.